
About Tooth Life, Ayoub Elhabbazi

About Tooth Life

Tooth Life
Welcome to Tooth Life, your go-to resource for all things oral health, where we're committed to making dental wisdom accessible and easy to grasp. At Tooth Life, we cover it all – from preventive care to treatments and procedures, tooth decay, gum disease, and various oral conditions, all presented in the simplest way possible.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that everyone deserves clear and accurate information about their oral health. That's why we strive to simplify dental concepts so you can easily understand what's going on in your mouth.

About me

Hello, I am Ayoub, a graduate of a dental internship with 4 years of practice. I am currently pursuing my PhD and enjoy sharing my knowledge and ideas about dentistry and oral health.
I am passionate about web development, writing and medical research. All of this has inspired me to launch Tooth Life in 2019, with the main goal of helping and educating others about the importance of oral health.
I've learned and improved a lot at what I do. My goal now is to offer the greatest possible value to my readers.

The categories

Tooth disease

Gum disease

Mouth disorders



How to get in touch

If you have any questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you.

For Business inquiries: [email protected].

For any question: [email protected]

Don't hesitate to reach out – we're here to help!

You can also get in touch with us via our contact form .